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ServerPronto HowTo
Mail Queue Manager

Mail Queue Manager

Viewing Emails in Queue

To view queued emails on your server follow these steps:

  1. If you know the subject of your search criteria you may enter it into the Search... field
  2. In the Select Query menu, you can choose from Search SenderSearch RecipientSearch Message ID, or No Filter to narrow your search to a specific filter
  3. Underneath the Search Type heading choose the function in which the search will match your criteria, the options are Begins WithExact, or Partial 
  4. The Start Date and End Date fields are used to determine the date range for which you would like to view emails  (Dates may be entered as MM/DD/YYYY or by clicking the calendar icon to select the date)
  5. Sent emails may also be filtered by the Start Time and End Time fields to specify the times for which the sent mail will be viewed
  6. Once fields and filters are selected click Run Report to receive a list of all emails associated with the previously selected fields and filters

Delivering Emails in Queue

To deliver certain emails within your email queue follow these steps:

  1. Select the emails you wish to send by clicking the checkboxes next to them
  2. Then click Deliver Selected, this will prompt a new window to open allowing you to click OK only after the delivery attempt finishes
  3. Under Delivering Messages in Queue there will be a delivery report that will tell you if the delivery attempt succeeded of failed


To deliver all emails within your email queue follow these steps:

  1. Click Deliver All
  2. Click OK in the window that will open to confirm that you wish to deliver all emails within the queue, this will prompt a new window to open allowing you to click OK only after the delivery attempt finishes
  3. Under Delivering Messages in Queue there will be a delivery report that will tell you if the delivery attempt succeeded of failed



Deleting Emails in Queue

To delete certain emails within your email queue follow these steps:

  1. Select the emails you wish to send by clicking the checkboxes next to them
  2. Click Delete Selected from the table, this will prompt a new window to open, Click OK


To delete all emails within your email queue follow these steps:

  1. Click Delete All from the table
  2. Click OK to confirm that you wish to delete all emails in your queue, this will prompt a new window, Click OK

 *Note that emails sent to invalid addresses will not be delivered and will need to be deleted using the same method*



Unfreezing an Email in Queue

If an email fails to deliver after several attempts the system will "freeze" that email. The "freeze" is meant to help save system resources, increase queue runs, and reduce the chances of your mail being labeled as spam by the target email transfer agent.

The system will unfreeze the email once a timeout has been reached or you have unfrozen the email manually.

  1. When a message is labeled as frozen an icon will appear, this icon will resemble overlapping white pages with a blue play button on top, click this icon. 
  2. A new window will open and confirm that your message has been unfrozen.

Several frozen messages appearing in your Mail Queue Manager may mean that you should examine the log file (/var/log/exim_mainlog) to find the cause and solution to the issue.

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