
 Cloud Control Panel - User Guide

You can find the ServerPronto Cloud control panel user guide...

 Dead Scripts solution

If you regularly work with scripts on any Unix or Linux platform and it gets killed when you...

 Direct emailing

Direct email delivery is disabled on the network for server packaged ordered after 5/15/2012....

 Get started with your Control Panel (Webmin/cPanel)

  Webmin: Webmin is disabled by default, you will have to enable it: - Access the server via...

 Install a 32-bit Software on 64-bit OS

  This support solution is on installing a 32-bit app on a x64 system. Stated on the example of...

 Manage hard drives and partitions in Linux and Win

Managing the hard drive on a server, meaning creating/ removing partitions and formatting/...

 Minecraft Server – Setup Guide

Instructions to a user to manage Minecraft server:...

 Solution for slow SSH login in CentOS 6

If SSH login is very slow in CentOS 6 it’s because they have added another security feature,...

 Track traffic usage in Linux

We recommend installing a software on your server to keep track of how much bandwidth you are...

 WordPress installation on Ubuntu Server

In this short tutorial we will install WordPress on a Ubuntu 11.04 server. Before you begin you...

 Bruteforcing error in cPanel

cPanel has a daemon that checks for unsuccessful logins (like lastb on a shell), it is...

 Check and open ports in CentOS / Fedora / Redhat

  If you want to open or close a port for a Linux firewall you have to edit the rules in the...

 Configure WHM/cPANEL with a SSL Certificate

  If you try to access cPanel WHM via and the error “There is a...

 Run File System Check in Linux

  # fsck fsck is used to check and optionally repair one or more Linux file systems....

 How to restart Webmin

Here is a little helper if your Webmin does not respond. Just run this command from the...

 Open/Close Ports on Ubuntu distributions

IPTables is an application program that allows to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of...

 Troubleshoot long respond times with Secure Shell communication

SSH taking too long to respond? Disable Group Support System (GSS) login, to do this follow...

 Change configuration settings in Apache with .htaccess files

When changing configuration settings in Apache using directives in .htaccess files make sure:...