If you try to access cPanel WHM via https://server.domain.com:2087/ and the error “There is a problem with this website’s security certificate” comes up it can be because it uses a default SSL certificate loaded during the automated install and you need to update it with your personalized certificate.
To have a non-self-signed certificate you will need to create a certificate request using the domain and credentials you intend to connect with. Then upload that cert request to an SSL provider site where you have an account. After purchasing a certificate you can install it into CPanel.
Install a SSL Certificate for WHM port 2087 and cPanel port 2083:
1) Purchase / Install the Certificate for your fully qualified domain (ie: server.domain.com)
- You can find your fully qualified server URL in the WHM under:
>> Server Status >> Server Information (System Information)
- Then you will create a certificate for this domain under:
>> SSL / TLS >> Generate a SSL Certificate and Signing Request
- After purchasing your certificate, you will install the certificate under:
>> SSL / TLS >> Install a SSL Certificate and Setup the Domain
- After installation is complete, you can assign the new certificate to be your SHARED certificate under:
** This is NOT required but is a great benefit for your clients and helps brand your domain **
>> SSL / TLS >> Manage SSL Hosts
2) Test your new Certificate
- https://server.domain.com/
This should resolve and the cert should function properly before moving forward. If this does not work, you will need to review addition instruction on SSL installation.
- https://server.domain.com:2087/
This should NOT WORK but give you an invalid certificate error. The reason is that the certificate is installed for the domain only, and has not been assigned to the appropriate WHM/CPANEL services.
3) Install the CERT for the WHM and CPANEL Service (this is the step you don’t think about!!)
Service Configuration >> Manage Service SSL Certificates
> Select “Install New Certificate” for the “cPanel/WHM/Webmail Service”
> Select Domain this CRT is for “Browse”
> Pick the full server cert you installed “server.domain.com”
> Press “Submit” to install
4) Test your Service Certificate
More information under: